Recipients: Students aged between 13 and 25
20 hours

  1. EU Planning (3 hours)
  2. European Policies (2 hours)
i. Cultural Diversity
ii. Non-discrimination
iii. Active Citizenship
iv. Gender Equality
v. Youth Policy
vi. Culture Policy
  1. Objectives of the Youth in Action (1 hour)
                                                               i.      Promoting active citizenship
  1. Operation of the European Parliament. Representative democracy (2 hours)
  2. Call for European Capital of Culture (2 hours)
  3. Design Cultural Plan of the city. Cultural needs (8 hours)
  4. Performance Simulation (2 horas)
                                                              i.      Brought contact with youth from other countries

Program Contents:

Theme 1: Planning of the EU (3 hours)

Presentation of the European Union.
The Treaties.
Making Decisions in the EU.
The European Parliament: the voice of the people.
The Council of the European Union: voice of the Member States.
The European Commission: promoting the common interest.
The Court of Justice: upholding the law.
The Court of Auditors: getting value for money.
The European Economic and Social Committee: voice of civil society.
The Committee of the Regions: voice of regional and local government.
The European Investment Bank, the financing of economic development.
The European Central Bank: managing the euro.
The European Ombudsman: investigating complaints.
The EDPS Data Protection: the protection of privacy.
The agencies.

Work Material
Brochure: The operation of the European Union. Citizen's Guide on the institutions of the EU.
Theme 2: European Policies (2 hours)

Work Material:



Cultural Policy, Cultural Diversity:

Theme 3: Objectives of the Youth in Action (1 hour)
Promoting active citizenship

The Europe for Citizens Programme (2007/2013) replaces the Program for Promotion of active European citizenship (2004-2006)

Theme 4: Operation of the European Parliament. Representative democracy (2 hours)

Work material:

Representative democracy:

Theme 5: Call for European Cultural of Culture (2 hours)

Work Material:

Theme 6: Design Cultural Plan of the city. Cultural needs (8 hours)

Work Material:

Plan design example cultural:

Area 1: City and Culture
Area 2: The Creative City
Area 3: City attractive and heritage
Area 4: City cohesive
Area 5: Application cultural capital

Strategy 1. Place the culture as central to urban development
Strategy 2. Promote the development of cultural industries, creativity and cultural training offer
Strategy 3. Promote innovation and accessibility in the provision of cultural diffusion
Strategy 4. Making cultural tourism a key element of the cultural model of city


Culture and city:
            The impact of techno-culture
            Decrease in the practice of traditional culture
            Having a wide cultural offer
            A wide view of culture and fun
            The importance of party and holiday periods

Actions needed in the cultural field of a municipality:

1. Design a strategic cultural plan including, if applicable, within the plans to revitalize the city. Cultural plan objectives:
            Disseminate the image of the city
            Contribute to raising the living standards of citizens
2. Improve cultural level of the population, both quantitatively and qualitatively improving cultural consumption:
            Provide the population with a wide variety of services and cultural activities
Stimulate demand for cultural
3. To encourage cultural creation:
            Specialized training
4. Promote local culture and generate collective identity features:
            Conserving heritage in the broadest sense of the word
            Promote the local from the here and now
5. Socio-cultural fabric strengthen and encourage their participation in municipal cultural policy:
            Strengthen and promote the informal cultural associations
            Encourage their participation in municipal cultural policy
6. Design a network of cultural facilities
            Create a team dedicated to entertainment (theater)
            Provide cultural center
7. Ensure that municipal cultural policy serves all citizens:
            Address the cultural specificity of childhood, youth and seniors
            Ensure territorial balance between the different neighborhoods of the city
8. Enable the development of local media:
            Establish smooth channels of communication between City Hall and citizenship
            Encourage other local media
9. To convey a playful vision of culture

Theme 7: Performance Simulation (2 hours)
Brought contact with youth from other countries